CRT Convention June 2024 Waco, Texas
The Burleson-Milam II Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas received several awards at CRT Convention, including the FOUR STAR AWARD and First Place in the Scrapbook Contest.
2024 Scholarship Award Winners
Chapter President and chapter member of the Burleson-Milam II Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas were presented the Sarah E. Jennings Scholarship this year.
CRT Convention June 2023
Center, Texas The Burleson-Milam II Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas received the FOUR STAR AWARD along with many other certificates for projects completed by members this year. The chapter received the Haltom Trophy for our chapter project: How to Create and Grow A CRT Chapter!
CRT Convention June 2022 Denton, Texas
The Burleson-Milam II Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas received several awards at CRT Convention, including the FOUR STAR AWARD and Second Place in the Scrapbook Contest. The chapter received the Haltom Trophy for our chapter project of growing Texas Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes from seed!
CRT Convention June 2021 Eastland, Texas
The Burleson-Milam II Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas received several awards at CRT Convention, including the FOUR STAR AWARD and Second Place in the Scrapbook Contest.
2021 Scholarship Award Winner
Chapter President of the Burleson-Milam II Chapter of the Children of the Republic of Texas was presented the Sarah E. Jennings Scholarship at the DRT Convention in San Antonio, Texas.
CRT Convention
San Angelo, Texas 2020 The Burleson-Milam II Chapter, Children of the Republic of Texas received multiple awards at convention, including the FOUR STAR CHAPTER AWARD.
CRT Convention
Lubbock, Texas 2019 The Burleson-Milam II Chapter, Children of the Republic of Texas received multiple awards at convention, including the FOUR STAR CHAPTER AWARD and First Place for its digital chapter scrapbook.
CRT Convention Deer Park, Texas 2018
The Burleson-Milam II Chapter, Children of the Republic of Texas received multiple awards including the FOUR STAR CHAPTER AWARD and Honorable Mention for its digital scrapbook.